Thursday, March 18, 2010

Walking Two Large Male Dogs

Yeesh, I just got back from a frog marched walk/run with Amber and Eric's dogs. Ceasar, where are you, I could use a little help here! With these two, it does not help to whisper though. The minute you put the leashes on them, if they will sit still long enough for you to even get them hooked up they are ready to blast off into neverland. If I do not brace myself before I open the gate, I will be dragged through the flowers and across the lawn immediately. Hence the need to be very thorough about planting ones feet solidly, and leaning back as you flip the latch to open. While I have not lost it, I have left some skid marks in the grass and some scuff marks on the cement just trying to get up to the street.

These two, Murray a Border Collie/Australian Shepherd mix, and Jake a White Lab/Pitbull cross are typical male dogs.  They want to sniff every bush and tree, lampost and telephone pole, realestate sign and fence, and anything else high enough to pee on.  Several times tonight I felt like I was tied to a rack when the dogs chose different trees or bushes on either side of the sidewalk.  It is necessary to walk holding the leashed like I am about to do curls, because if I don't, I won't have the ability to stop their plunge or rush in a different direction. 

Anyone who sees me fast walking these two down the street takes on elook at Jake and recognizes the pitbull head and immediately crosses to the other side of the street. Really a shame. because if Jake had his way, he would lick them to death. He is fortunate to be heavy with Lab genes, and he just wants to be your friend.  Has his own mind, but is a loveable affectionate dog.  Murray on the other hand is schizophrenic when it comes to meeting new people along the way, unless they have a dog of their own. If they don't, he puts his head down, and bares his teeth and growls and barks. A nasty habit I am trying to gently break by quickly pulling up on his leash and saying stop, firmly. He seems to think that everyone but dog owners is going to hurt him or me. Dog owners are automatically accepted as good people because, well, in his mind they have a dog, and that makes them okay. They are safe because they are dog broke and he will sniff and let them pet him while he gets personal with their pet.

I try to be a good dog owner/care person and pick up after these two. They can crap like a 1000 pound steer without effort. One has to be ready with plastic bags to pick up their leavings quickly and carefully.  Again, one must brace oneself, make the dogs sit keeping one eye on the dogs and one eye on the hand that is trying to pick up their excrement with a doggie bag.  One does not want to be dragged over their leavings at that point. Yes I know, too much detail, but at least you were spared the smell!  Fortunately they both seem to know that they must hold their bowels until we get down to the park. They can pee to their hearts content on the way there, but they dare not lay any turds along the way. I try to keep them on a short leash until they get to the park for this very reason. 

I have to be ever on the look-out for cats or squirrels as we walk. If I am day dreaming, I will be snapped awake as they suddenly veer in the direction of some snotty taunting pussy cat who just loves to watch dog owners get dragged around. We have had several close calls, and some of these cats have no idea what they are playing with when it comes to these two died in the wool cat haters. I think they must have been teased by cats when in their back yard in Lincoln, because they just detest cats. The same goes for squirrels of course, and we have several in residence here that like to climb up a tree and scold them.

I made it down to the pond in Deer Ridge in record time tonight. The way back was just as exciting, and I certainly got my walk/run for the day. Stay tuned for more doggy tales.  


  1. When it comes to Murray and his schizo ways, I don't even think Ceasar could help you here...although it would be interesting to see him try.

    Seems like they took you for a walk/jog...I think they were just making sure you kept up your exercise intensity :)

  2. I think you'd better start taking a "leaf/lawn" garbage bag with you from now on!
