Sunday, August 29, 2010

Awakening to the Pitter Patter of Rain Drops

We have had nicer weather this past week in the high eighties, such a relief from the high nineties of the week before.  Yesterday was so cool when I woke up, it was mid fifties which is such a temperature drop for this time of year. A very welcome change when one could actually snuggle in the blankets to stay warm. Today was  an even bigger surprise, for when I awakened, I could hear the pitter patter of raindrops. Who would believe here in the foothills of northern California that it was raining in August?

What a wonderful soft soothing sound the rain brings as the rain drops plink off anything metal, and patter on the deck and patio cover. One can hear the water shushing through the gutters and running down the down spouts. The rain drops gently swish through the trees falling from leaf to leaf, and gathering in bigger more random drops with a splat. The air is fresh and clean... that wonderful washed by God smell one has after a rain that brings the scent of wet grass, and damp ground. It is like a prescription for the senses that soothes every pore in ones body. Ah....breathe deeply, smell it through you nose as you take it in.

Everything seems cleaner and brighter when it rains, and every green lawn and tree displays a brighter green. Perhaps because the layer of dust on the leaves was just washed away. Perhaps because our sense are so awakened to this wonderful marvel we call rain. It is so nice to walk in when it is just a gentle light shower. To feel the rain drops on one's hair, and skin. One just feels like the air is flavored with all the scents of the garden. To see those beautiful water droplets bead on the colorful flowers and to be able to drink in the perfume and bright color of the fragrant roses. A perfume no cosmetic lab can match. God's special blend to remind us of his creativity.

The birds sing more gaily, even they seem to have their spirits lifted. They flit from tree to tree, fluttering from branch to branch as if to celebrate this heaven sent shower. Calling to one another, across the meadows. The squirrels chatter, and run up and down the trees playing like the little scamps that they are. They can fly through the trees and leap from branch to branch like acrobats.

Our hearing seems enhanced when it rains, but traffic noises seem muffled and far away. Listen to the rain, that wonderful pitter patter, the gentle sound of dripping water and for just a moment let it wash your troubles away. Listen to the rain, do you hear it?


  1. It was nice to have rain for a second...but then after I realized it was cold I began to hate it. The air was great for running though :) I am ready for a little warmer weather and rain to be saved for the fall lol.

  2. Hi Paul
    Thanks for your visit to my blog, I was very pleased to see your comments, and to find that you too are a blogger! I have become an official follower now so I shall be reading yours regularly now.
    Best wishes,
