Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good Grief its Saturday!

Wow, I can't believe that I haven't written anything since Tuesday. I have tried to play catch up this week, getting chores done around our acre yard.  The constant rain has put me way behind schedule in the garden department. The weeds are growing rampantly everywhere, sucking up as much mositure as they can. Wherever they have managed to poke through mulch, they are four times as big as those on bare ground. Did you catch that? Yep mulch, the garden's natural fertilizer made of grass clippings and decomposing leaves makes things grow really well especially when you compost it and break it down further. Well I had best not digress from my ramblings and keep going with what must be done.

I managed to round-up my decomposed granite paths throughout the garden, and all of the gravel areas out front.  Had I waited any longer they would have been covered by weeds. I still have to clear a lot of broken limbs on trees that were weighted down by snow last December, or have blown down in the high winds. I have large piles of trimming gowing in several places in the bottom of the yard.

There are over fifty five roses to be sprayed in our yard. Yep really that many, and while I managed to get the bush roses pruned there were still three climbing roses to prune back on Trellises. I love roses and am a sucker for some of the new beautiful roses with wonderful scents. They just light up a garden from early spring on. I love the fact that they flower all summer and into the fall until the heavy frost. There are always many different blooms to chose from to make a bouquet for my wife. Three years ago our roses and flowering garden featured in the Auburn Journal. Rose care is a big issue when you have that many to feed, water and prune.

Yep, I'm a flower nut, and another one of my loves is Daffodils.  I have naturalized many different varities all over our yard in various flower beds, under trees, in the orchard, just wherever I can find a spot that needs brightening.  As a result, the daffodil bloom is stunning once it really gets under way. It has already started, and within a few weeks should be really showy. Two years ago our Daffodil bloom was also featured in the Auburn Journal, since we have thousnads of the littler beauties of many different varities growing everywhere.

Geesh I'm digressing horribly, I still have trees to prune in the orchard. Okay so its a small orchard, I did manage to prune the Pluot, the Santa Rosa Plum, Bartlett Pear, Peach and start on the Nectarine tree this week in between rain showers. I still have two apple trees to go. I also managed to spray the Pluot, Peach and Nectarine against Peach leaf curl which would eventually weaken and kill the tree if not treated.

I have been weeding like crazy, trying to get the little blighters out before their seed heads mature and scatter the next generation of nasties all over my garden. That is a chore since I have so many flower beds. While they are a lot of work, they are a labor of love, and there is no more satisfying feeling than strolling through a flowering garden on a warm day, smelling the many fragrances, viewing the many colors and listening to the chatter of birds everywhere.

So there you have it, my lame excuse for not blogging. Oh, I was also distratced by painting. No not the house, new paintings, I'll talk more about those later or tomorrow. See ya.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lot of work, maybe you should just paint the yard weed free and enjoy it that way :) hehe
