Monday, February 8, 2010

Well its Moving Day

Sorry my blog has been a little spotty this week. In anticipation of our daughter Amber and her husband moving in with us, we have been doing our own moving and cleaning to make room for them.  Our son's old bedroom had been converted to a guest room, but the closet was stuffed with Cindy's craft supplies and large boxes of pictures taken through our life. Which means, we have to go through them and organize them someday!

Cindy worked hard and cleaned out the hall closet so that she could move most of her craft supplies and the photographs there. Old games, puzzles with missing pieces, and other unneccessary items from many years accumulation began to emerge and get placed in the save pile or tossed in the discard pile.

While Cindy was feverishly working in the house, I was trying to bring some order to our packed and messy garage. Two years ago, Amber lugged many bags and boxes of her brother and her toys down form the attic. She planned to have a big garage sale to make some money, but it never materialized. As a result one of the parking stalls in my garage became a heap of miscellaneous dusty saw dust covered junk. The sawdust came from my work on rebuilding our back deck, since my chop saw was used outside the garage, but a lot of sawdust drifted in.

All of the boxes of our sons' things that were cleaned out of his room some months back by Amber had also found refuge in the garage. I began going through garbage bags of toys of every description and age era. Anything damaged, broken or badly soiled or worn was tossed, and any toys that looked new or relatively so were packed in boxes with similar items. I tried also to separate things by age appropriateness.  I managed to fill our large trash can pretty full with discarded items from the hall closet and also the garage. However; there were a number of "saved" items from the hall closet that also had to find refuge in the garage.

I also managed to clean out everything from one area and began stacking labeled boxes one on top of another to organize the former chaos into a tolerable heap. I did make some good progress, and did clear some space, but there is still more work to do. I even have a whole room of Amber's former wicker furniture stacked and cleaned in the agarage. Obviously when the weather improves, we have to have a big garage sale. It would be so nice to be able to see the floor again!

Well now I have to be off to Lincoln to get another load of Amber and Eric's things that are coming to our home. Tonight we will be a family of four again. In three weeks, Eric goes off to his Army basic and MP training at Fort Leonardwood, Missouri. My littlepick up is coming in handy already. Fortunately most of their furniture and belongings are going into storage in Lincoln because there just isn't room in the garage. I'll let you know how the day pans out, wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. If you want to save some time you can just throw away all of my "crap" in the garage. Haven't used it in 2 years so I think it is safe to say I never will. Or if you are really desperate to see the floor you can sell the Volkswagon sittin in there too :) Then I will sweep it up for you and scrub it with my toothbrush.

    Thanks for your help yesterday. Sorry about the dog poop.
