Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Beastly Sinus Cold!

Funny how the way you feel is influenced by the weather. I went to bed with a slight sore throat and had a rough night last night coming down with a bad cold shared by my daughter. I tossed and turned through the night, and to add insult to injury, had a horrible migraine that decided to get in on the action of disrupting my sleep. I awakened to a cold foggy morning, where the mist hangs at ground level and inhabits the trees making them look like gnarled grey ghosts. The garden doesn't look any happier than I feel. Hmmm ... the outside looks like I feel, all invaded with a smothering cold that has blitzed my sinus cavities and made my eyes run like creeks. My daughter managed to get this beastly cold from her husband and while it didn't seem to affect him much, it has had a much greater impact on those susbsequently over run by how quickly it affects sinus activity. My daughter has spent several days in misery holed up like a hobbit, and now I feel inclined to repeat that behavior.

My son visiting from Lynchburg Virginia was also infected before he left. I am hoping his young healthy body can shake off this unwanted invader. If not, now that he has travelled home, he will be spreading this germ wherever he goes. I'll have to speak to my son-in-law, he has no idea he has started an epedemic.

I can't paint in this state of sinus overload with a constant leaky nose, and sneezes. I tried doing some catch up on the web, but I didn't feel comfortable stopping the unremitting flow. It's hard to concentrate when your eyes are so watery and keep blurring. Ny-Quil, when will you kick in? Those fine commercials say that this stuffed up, leaky nose condition will go away when you ingest your miracle product?

Given the state of my condition, I guess I will just sit back and try to read a book. I have a hot cup of tea and I have lit a roaring fire. Now I will sit in a comfortable chair and see if I can lose myself in a good story. Its a cinch I can't write worth a darn either in this condition!

1 comment:

  1. Eric was kind enough to give me this lovely cold for my birthday. I was going to be selfish and keep it to myself but I suppose I couldn't help but share it. Hmm what to get him for his birthday...hehe I don't think you would want nyquil to come into affect during the day...perhaps try dayquil. Nyquils only affect on me was to knock me out and make it hard to think the whole next day. I hate drugs, and colds. We shall share a bike ride when we get rid of this bug!
